Royal Society of Medicine Recognises Aesthetic Medicine as a Specialty: A Major Advancement for the Field

The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) has taken a historic step by officially recognizing aesthetic medicine as a distinct medical specialty. This milestone is a significant advancement, marking the first time in 35 years that the RSM has introduced a new section. The recognition will elevate the field of aesthetic medicine, fostering improved standards, patient care, and professional practices.

At Hazel Clinic, we welcome this recognition as a validation of our commitment to delivering the highest level of care. Under the guidance of our Medical Director and CEO, Dr. Susana Fontana, we strive to provide tailor-made treatments that prioritize both safety and exceptional results. This acknowledgment by the RSM paves the way for the aesthetic medicine industry to become more formalized and regulated, ensuring that patients receive care from highly trained and certified professionals.

For patients, the recognition of aesthetic medicine as a specialty means increased trust in the quality and safety of treatments. It highlights the importance of seeking clinics led by qualified medical professionals, where the focus extends beyond just the price of a treatment. At Hazel Clinic, we ensure that each patient receives optimal care with the best products, administered by experienced practitioners who are highly trained to avoid complications and deliver superior outcomes.

Although this is a landmark decision in the UK, it is a step that will likely influence medical standards worldwide, including in Ireland. This recognition will help to raise the profile of aesthetic medicine as a legitimate field within healthcare, contributing to better regulatory frameworks and more rigorous training standards across the globe.

At Hazel Clinic, we remain dedicated to maintaining the highest level of professionalism and patient care, ensuring that every treatment is conducted with the utmost expertise and safety. This recognition only reinforces our mission to lead in the aesthetic medicine field with integrity and excellence.


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