Revealing the Potential: Understanding Cellular Matrix in Hazel Anti Ageing CLinic Dublin
Welcome to Excellence: Where Beauty Meets Perfection at Hazel Clinic Anti-Ageing Clinic with Cellular Matrix
Hazel Clinic Anti-Ageing Dublin

Cellular Matrix ® ( PRP + HA)

Cellular Matrix serves as a medical device and embodies a non-crosslinked hyaluronic acid solution that harmonizes seamlessly with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), resulting in heightened effects. It stands as a groundbreaking certified device that facilitates the harmonious integration of PRP with HA. This union significantly amplifies skin hydration, luminosity, and overall vibrancy. Scientific research has illuminated the remarkable benefits that arise from the synergistic fusion of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and hyaluronic acid (HA)

  • No. of treatments: 3 between them 4 weeks apart.

    Discomfort level: 5/10

    Recovery Time: 48 hours, although you may experience some redness, swelling or bruising at the injection site for a few days post treatment.

    Results: 3-4 weeks.

    Procedure time: 60 minutes

    Anaesthetic: Topical cream

    Back to normal: 48 hours

  • The procedure commences with the extraction of a blood sample, followed by its separation through centrifugation. Subsequently, this separated substance is skillfully reintroduced into the skin via a needle or a blunt-tipped cannula. Generally, this procedure entails minimal downtime, although you might encounter temporary redness, swelling, or bruising around the injection site for a few days post-treatment.

    Enhancements in skin texture and tone often become evident within three weeks, while complete collagen regeneration might take as long as three months to fully materialize. To attain optimal outcomes, a sequence of sessions is recommended. It's important to note that the results of PRP are not permanent, as natural degradation occurs over time. However, these improvements can last for up to a year.

  • We advise against the use of Celullar matrix for individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Cellular matrix treatment cannot be administered in cases of active infection at the injection site or throughout the body. Please ensure that you are in good health and feeling well on the day of your scheduled treatment. If you are feeling unwell or have recently experienced an illness, including the flu, the treatment cannot be carried out.

  • They are seen 2-3 weeks after the first treatment and continue for up to a few months after completion of the course

  • For achieving the best results, a regimen of 3 treatments, spaced every 4 weeks, is advised, along with a yearly maintenance session. This approach helps maximize the benefits of PRP while accounting for its natural temporal effects.

  • Fine lines, wrinkles, hands, skin quality and general skin appearance

  • How Celullar matrix® works?

    Cellular Matrix® technology combines the synergistic clinical benefits of PRP and hyaluronic acid (HA), resulting in enhanced and more enduring improvements in skin texture, appearance, fine lines, and overall look.

    Blood Sample Collection: The process commences with the collection of a small blood sample.

    Centrifugation: Subsequently, the obtained blood sample is introduced into a centrifuge, a high-speed spinning device employed to separate its constituents based on their densities.

    Isolation of PRP with HA: The stratum containing concentrated platelets, growth factors, and other bioactive proteins constitutes the PRP. This PRP is then meticulously blended with HA.

    Application: The amalgamated PRP + HA mixture is administered to the specific target area.

    When I can see results?

    Results typically become visible within 2 to 3 weeks following the initial treatment and persist for several months after the completion of the entire course.

Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can wear



Radiate confidence through your skin; let it be the canvas that tells your story of self-care and self-love



"Your skin is a reflection of how well you are taking care of yourself both inside and out." - Diane Von Furstenberg


Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can wear · · Radiate confidence through your skin; let it be the canvas that tells your story of self-care and self-love · · "Your skin is a reflection of how well you are taking care of yourself both inside and out." - Diane Von Furstenberg · ⋆