Sclerotherapy treatment

  • Exploring Sclerotherapy

    Sclerotherapy is a widely recognized and safe method for treating thread veins that appear on the legs. This procedure targets leg veins through a series of small injections directly into the affected veins. The injection contains a solution that prompts the vein to collapse and seal off, effectively halting blood flow within that vein.

    Sclerotherapy is typically not recommended for individuals with varicose veins. If you have varicose veins, it's advisable to consult a vascular surgeon to explore treatment options like vein stripping before considering sclerotherapy. Once the varicose veins have been addressed through surgical means, you can then consider sclerotherapy for thread veins.

Sclerotherapy Treatment

  • Your journey begins with a consultation with one of our doctors. During this consultation, your medical history will be reviewed, and the specialist will examine your veins to determine if you are a suitable candidate for sclerotherapy.

  • No, we encourage our clients to schedule treatment for a separate day. This approach ensures that you have sufficient time to process the information provided during the consultation and make a well-informed decision that aligns with your needs. we advise that you take the time to thoroughly assess whether this treatment is the right choice for you and that you're eager to move forward. Your comfort and confidence in the decision are of utmost importance to us.

  • On the day of the procedure, wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the treatment area. It's also recommended to avoid applying lotions, oils, or creams to your legs prior to the procedure.

    Procedure: The Doctor will use a fine needle to inject a sclerosing solution directly into the affected veins. This solution irritates the vein walls and causes them to stick together, eventually closing off the vein. Multiple injections may be needed in one session, depending on the number and size of the veins being treated.

  • We advise against the use of sclerotherapy treatment for individuals who are pregnant. Sclerotherapy treatment cannot be administered in cases of active infection at the application site or throughout the body. Please ensure that you are in good health and feeling well on the day of your scheduled treatment. If you are feeling unwell or have recently experienced an illness, including the flu, the treatment cannot be carried out.

  • Reduction of Vein Appearance: The treated veins typically fade over time, leading to an improved cosmetic appearance of the legs or other treated areas.

    Pain Relief: For some patients, sclerotherapy can provide relief from discomfort, pain, and heaviness associated with spider veins.

    Improved Blood Flow: By closing off the damaged veins, blood flow is redirected to healthier veins, potentially improving overall circulation in the treated area.

    Minimized Swelling: Sclerotherapy can help reduce swelling and inflammation associated with varicose veins.

  • Sclerotherapy is generally safe, but there can be some side effects, including temporary bruising, redness, itching, or mild discomfort at the injection sites. In rare cases, complications like allergic reactions or blood clots can occur, so it's important to communicate any unusual symptoms to our team.

Sclerotherapy, a recognized and safe treatment for leg thread veins, involves injecting a solution into affected veins to prompt closure and halt blood flow. It's not recommended for varicose veins, and consulting a vascular surgeon for alternative options is advisable. The treatment journey begins with a thorough consultation, ensuring suitability. Treatment is scheduled separately to allow informed decisions. On treatment day, wear comfortable clothing, and a fine needle is used to inject the solution, reducing vein appearance, providing pain relief, and improving blood flow, with minimal swelling. While generally safe, there may be temporary side effects. Sclerotherapy is ideal for those with spider veins causing discomfort or aesthetic concerns, typically causing minimal discomfort during the procedure, and the number of sessions varies for each patient.

· Reclaim confidence, one vein at a time. Sclerotherapy: your path to flawless legs starts here ·